The most effective way to reset displaced concrete edging blocks on a patio.

The most effective and quickest way to reset displaced concrete edging blocks on a patio is to stick them in place with an industrial strength adhesive that provides a long lasting solution and prevents them from being displaced going forward. With most patio foundations installed on a wet mortar foundation which dries to a solid base you can deploy an effective bonding agent that will stick the edging blocks efficiently and permanently in position on the light but firm concrete foundation, providing an aesthetically pleasing uniformity to the block paving. Your patio can be restored to its original integrity with every single block in its correct position to provide the symmetrical appearance that a professionally laid patio should exude. With a patio being the centre piece to the rear or side of a home it is essential to ensure it is maintained in good condition so the family can enjoy outdoor time together in a beautifully created and relaxing environment unblemished by missing or displaced edging blocks. The only challenge to successful patio repair is finding the right adhesive for the task of sticking the displaced edging blocks back in place. Although there are numerous adhesive products that claim the capacity to complete the adhesion task, the success rate on a permanent basis is disappointing. However a new revolutionary sealant/adhesive which has the reputation of being the best of its kind, is trail blazing with its incredible bonding strength combined with its lasting effect. It is the ideal solution for all bonding applications and is particularly effective for sticking down edging blocks on their patio foundation.

A new revolutionary adhesive/sealant is the universal bonding solution.

A new revolutionary sealant/adhesive has been developed in the recent past and is creating quite a stir in the construction industry and other industries as the best in kind product that has come on the market. Endorsed by growing numbers of construction workers and industrial operatives in the UK, Ireland, Spain and Norway CT1’s brainchild has quickly established itself as the ‘go to’ adhesive for practically all bonding applications. The eponymous CT1, taking its name from the Company that invented it, possesses unique adhesive and sealing qualities which combined provide a formidable bonding agent that actually does what it says on the tin. A hybrid polymer that provides a tensile strength of 265N per square centimetre manages to provide an enigmatic flexibility that prevents product shrinkage, cracking and disintegration with no loss of bonding integrity. Compatible with practically all materials it sticks with instant grab and cures to a bond that is stronger than the material itself. Resistant to fungal growth, chemicals and oil it is non toxic, odourless and conforms to basic ISEGA standards as food safe. CT1 is also eco-compliant with an ECI and ECIA+ certificate. The wow factor is its ability to spread and work efficiently under water with no compromise on bonding integrity. It seals as it bonds to provide the ideal solution for sticking displaced patio edging blocks back in position.